Liberty Walk

Liberty Walk is a walking tour app designed to increase visits to sites of interest using badges as a motivator. Users can search for attractions, view information about the attraction, obtain walking directions, check in to record their visit, view history, and earn badges. While Liberty Walk showcases Philadelphia, the app can be modified for any city or region.

Java // HTML // CSS // JavaScript // Spring Boot  // Vue // JDBC // SQL // PostgreSQL

My Fitness Journey

My Fitness Journey is under construction. The purpose of the app is to improve gym member retention by creating member accountability and improving consistency. The app accomplishes that goal by providing trainers with a way to monitor member progress and to provide feedback and encouragement. With encouragement and knowledge that their progress is being watched, members are more likely to be consistent and more likely to return year over year. 

Java // HTML // CSS // JavaScript // Spring Boot // React // JDBC // SQL // PostgreSQL